i.e. Search Service Application:
stsadm.exe -o deleteconfigurationobject -id "[GUID]"
And that way you can get to know the id:
Get-SPServiceApplication |?{$_.name -eq "[ServiceApplicationName]"}
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środa, 28 listopada 2012
środa, 21 listopada 2012
How to rename Search Service Application databases
There are 3 databases related to Search Service Application:
Pause the service:
Rename the database:
Resume the service:
In case there were any problems with renaming the database, after suspending the service run the Sql Server Management Studio. From here you can rename the database or, what is much safer , make a copy of it. After you have rename the database "manually", run the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication command.
- Administration
- Crawl
- Property
Go to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage service applications. Find on the list application of type “Search Service Application” and click on its name. Then click on the Modify button.
Now you can see these databases.
From Central Administration you can rename only the Crawl and Property databases.
For each database select Edit Properties and change the database name. “Pending update” message appears in the Pending Changes column. Then click on Apply topology changes button. Wait patiently, on my machine it took above 10 minutes to complete.
You cannot rename Administration database from Central Administration. Run Sharepoint Managemet Shell for this purpose.
Before renaming the database, you have to pause the Search Service. But first step is to get to know Search Service identity. You can read the id of your Search Service Application when you run this command:
Pause the service:
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Identity " service_id " | Suspend-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
Rename the database:
Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication -Identity " service_id " -DatabaseName "new_database_name" -DatabaseServer "sql_server_name"
Resume the service:
Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication –Identity "service_id" | Resume-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
In case there were any problems with renaming the database, after suspending the service run the Sql Server Management Studio. From here you can rename the database or, what is much safer , make a copy of it. After you have rename the database "manually", run the Set-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication command.
środa, 23 maja 2012
How to find out what is the site template?
First, run the Power Shell script:
$web = Get-SPWeb <Site URL>
write-host "Web Template:" $web.WebTemplate " | Web Template ID:" $web.WebTemplateId
You now know the site template name and id. But to know the template title, as you see it when creating a new site from web interface, run this command:
Get-SPWebTemplate | Sort-Object "Name"
Here is a list of most popular site templates:
$web = Get-SPWeb <Site URL>
write-host "Web Template:" $web.WebTemplate " | Web Template ID:" $web.WebTemplateId
You now know the site template name and id. But to know the template title, as you see it when creating a new site from web interface, run this command:
Get-SPWebTemplate | Sort-Object "Name"
Here is a list of most popular site templates:
Site Definition
Site Template Name & ID
Team Site
Blank Site
Group Work
Visio Process Repository
Basic Meeting
Blank Meeting Workspace
Meeting Workspace
Social Meeting Workspace
Meeting Workspace
Assets Web Database
Contributions Web Database
Contacts Web Database
Issues Web
Projects Web Database
Records Center
Intelligence Center
My Site Host
Enterprise Search Center
Basic Search
FAST Search Center
Enterprise Wiki
Publishing Portal
Publishing Site
Export / Import site, list or document library
To export a site, list, or document library, you can use either Windows PowerShell or Central Administration. But to import them, you can use only Windows PowerShell. So let's focus on the Power Shell.
Export command:
Export-SPWeb -Identity <Site URL> [-ItemUrl <Object URL>] -Path <Export file name> [-IncludeUserSecurity] [-IncludeVersions] [-Force <True|False>] [-NoFileCompression] [-Verbose]
Import command:
Import-SPWeb -Identity <Site URL> -Path <Export file name> [-Force] [-NoFileCompression] [-Verbose]
-Force overwrites the export package if it already exists. During import use it to overwrite the list or library that you specified.
-NoFileCompression disables file compression in the export package. The export package is stored in the folder then. Use this parameter for performance reasons. If you used this option when exporting, you have to specify it during import as well.
-Verbose is used it to view the progress of the operation.
The site that you are importing to must have a template that matches the template of the exported!
Here you can read how to find out what is the site template?
The site that you are importing to must have the same default language as the exported site!
Export command:
Export-SPWeb -Identity <Site URL> [-ItemUrl <Object URL>] -Path <Export file name> [-IncludeUserSecurity] [-IncludeVersions] [-Force <True|False>] [-NoFileCompression] [-Verbose]
Import command:
Import-SPWeb -Identity <Site URL> -Path <Export file name> [-Force] [-NoFileCompression] [-Verbose]
-Force overwrites the export package if it already exists. During import use it to overwrite the list or library that you specified.
-NoFileCompression disables file compression in the export package. The export package is stored in the folder then. Use this parameter for performance reasons. If you used this option when exporting, you have to specify it during import as well.
-Verbose is used it to view the progress of the operation.
The site that you are importing to must have a template that matches the template of the exported!
Here you can read how to find out what is the site template?
The site that you are importing to must have the same default language as the exported site!
wtorek, 27 marca 2012
Access denied to "Configure service accounts"
I was completely surprised to get "Access denied" message when trying to open "Configure service accounts" option in Central Administration > Security. My account was in the farm administrators group, wasn't it!
But to be in the farm administrators group was not enough. To get access to the "Configure service accounts" I had to add my account to the local Administrators group on the machine running Sharepoint server.
That's all!
But to be in the farm administrators group was not enough. To get access to the "Configure service accounts" I had to add my account to the local Administrators group on the machine running Sharepoint server.
That's all!
wtorek, 17 stycznia 2012
Quering tables residing on different servers and collation problem
If you want to query tables residing on another server first step is to link this server. You will do this in SQL Server Management Studio. Just expand the Server Objects node and you will see the Linked Servers node on which you can select "New Linked Server..." command.
Another option is to run these commands:
EXEC p_addlinkedserver
@server='<machine name>',
@datasrc='<server name>',
@catalog ='<database name>'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
'<server name>',
'<login name>',
'<login password>'
Now you can query tables and views from the databases residing on the server you linked. They should be addressed this way:
It may happen that there are different collations in your host database and in linked database. As result, when linking tables from multiple servers in one query, you will get error:
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Polish_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
My first guess was to change the collation. I choose the host database as it was still in the development phase.
ALTER DATABASE [database-name] COLLATE Polish_CI_AS
But it hasn't helped. The above commands changed the default collation of database and tables, but not the collation of existing columns.
Below you can find the code of the stored procedure generating ALTER TABLE statements for changing the columns collations all over the database.
But watch out! If there is any key or index on the column, the statement will fail. You have to drop the key, run the statement and recreate the key.
Another option is to run these commands:
EXEC p_addlinkedserver
@server='<machine name>',
@datasrc='<server name>',
@catalog ='<database name>'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
'<server name>',
'<login name>',
'<login password>'
Now you can query tables and views from the databases residing on the server you linked. They should be addressed this way:
It may happen that there are different collations in your host database and in linked database. As result, when linking tables from multiple servers in one query, you will get error:
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Polish_CI_AS" and "Latin1_General_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.
My first guess was to change the collation. I choose the host database as it was still in the development phase.
ALTER DATABASE [database-name] COLLATE Polish_CI_AS
But it hasn't helped. The above commands changed the default collation of database and tables, but not the collation of existing columns.
Below you can find the code of the stored procedure generating ALTER TABLE statements for changing the columns collations all over the database.
But watch out! If there is any key or index on the column, the statement will fail. You have to drop the key, run the statement and recreate the key.
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ChangeCollation]
@collation_name varchar(25)
DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @ColumnName nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @ColumnType nvarChar(100)
DECLARE @ColumnLengh float
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(1000)
DECLARE @IsNullAble nvarchar(50)
DECLARE cursor_tables CURSOR FOR
select sysobjects.name from sysobjects where xtype='u'
OPEN cursor_tables
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_tables INTO @TableName
DECLARE cursor_columns CURSOR FOR
select syscolumns.name,
systypes.name as Type,
from syscolumns
inner join sysobjects on sysobjects.id=syscolumns.id
inner join systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype
sysobjects.xtype='u' and
(systypes.name='nvarchar' or systypes.name='varchar') and
OPEN cursor_columns
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_columns
INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnType, @ColumnLengh, @IsNullAble
IF (@IsNullAble='1')
SET @IsNullAble = ' NULL'
SET @IsNullAble = ' NOT NULL'
SET @SQL = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @TableName + ' ALTER COLUMN ' + @ColumnName + ' '
+ @ColumnType + '(' + CAST(@ColumnLengh as NVARCHAR) + ') COLLATE '
+ @collation_name + @IsNullAble
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_columns
INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnType, @ColumnLengh, @IsNullAble
CLOSE cursor_columns
DEALLOCATE cursor_columns
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_tables INTO @TableName
CLOSE cursor_tables
DEALLOCATE cursor_tables
wtorek, 10 stycznia 2012
Tips for configuring search center
1. People searching does not work...
... while searching global scope ("All Sites") returns proper results.
Go to the "CA > Manage service applications > your Search Service Application > Content Sources". Make sure that one of the content sources being crawled (most probably "Local SharePoint sites") has the following entry in start addresses: "sps3://server-name" - where server-name is your web application URL.
You now have to check the Search Crawling Account permissions. Go to the "Security > Specify web application user policy" and select your web application. Make sure that crawling account has Full Read permission.
Search Crawling Account also needs to have permissions to the User Profile Service Application. To check it, open "Manage service applications", highlight User Profile Service Application and click on the Administrators button at the ribbon. The required permission is "Retrieve People Data for Search Crawlers".
Run full crawl on the content source containing "sps3://server-name" start address.
Now your people searching should work...
2. Searching within contextual scope does not work...
... while searching global scope ("All Sites") returns proper results.
Go to the Central Administration and check the alternate access mappings for the zone Default. Then go to the "Manage service applications > your Search Service Application > Content Sources". One of the content sources defined there (most probably "Local SharePoint sites") pertains web application where search in contextual scope is not working. Check the start addresses: the host URL must be the same as defined in alternate access mappings for the zone Default.
SharePoint creates the entry in the content source whenever you create a web application. But you must remember that changing alternate access mappings can cause the URLs listed in content source stop matching and then your contextual searching stops working.
3. You want to have searching results from contextual scope displayed on the same, customizable page, as searching results from global scope.
That's pretty easy. Go to the Site Collection Administration settings and choose "Search settings".
In the "Site Collection Search Dropdown Mode" select mode that allows contextual scope, otherwise the next setting - "Site Collection Search Results Page" - will be disabled.
Now you have to enter address of the page that the searching result will be displayed on - preferably the search results page from your Search Center:
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